DISCLAIMER: if you have a disagreement or problem with my writings or other content, contact and talk to me, NOT the people I link to. The people I link to do not endorse my views or content unless otherwise stated.

Some people, particularly on the left, say that they wish that the United States of America was more like Europe. Some other people, especially on the right, do not support this.

I am here to address both of these views, mostly in ways that very few other people or anyone else would do. Rather you are on the left or on the right, I think that we all can learn something from this.

Countries such as Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, will be excluded from this article's definition of Europe due to economic and political conditions. However, many of the issues that this article will cover can be applied to Canada, and to a lesser degree, Australia, New Zealand, as that they all speak a European language, descended from a European culture, use a European-based government and legal system, and the largest religion was exported to these places by a European nation.

Watching long videos are not required if you do not have the time or do not understand English. If you can understand English, I suggest listening to videos instead of reading for the sake of time. I've written out the points of videos if they're under 9 minutes or so long.

Regardless, if you're going to respond to this, please dedicate yourself completely and read the whole book (not including videos or linked articles). Especially if you're going to write your review on Quora or other forum.

Chapter 1: What I think Europe does better than America.

Page 1: How Europe treats teens and children compared to America.

Page 2: Religion

Page 3: Sex

Pages 4-8: proportional representation, regulatory capture, cronyism, cars and more

Chapter 2: 17 ways Europe is more Conservative than America / 17 ways Europe is more right-wing than America / 17 ways America is more left-wing than Europe / 17 ways the Left opposes making America more like Europe

Chapter 3: Responding to common complaints about America.

The conflicting definitions of freedom

Gun control

Why is self-defense taboo

Healthcare and college/university

Unbridled capitalism

Welfare state, low taxes, and inequality, and how to fix welfare

Unitary state/centralism vs federalism and localism

Weapon exports and war and peace


Homeschooling and education

Donald Trump and Ron Paul

Climate change/global warming and COVID-19

How to fight the rise of fascism and Neo-Nazism

Freedom of speech, political correctness, racism

Why America is going to war in the middle east, why America supports Israel, and why political correctness is not compassion.

Chapter 4. Closing talk.


Is America the most free country in the world? Plus what's great about America.

Subscribe to AmericaBad - America Versus Europe And The World

Responding to Europeans and the rest of the world about America and libertarianism.


Hello. The blogs that you should check-out are the following: 1. Libertarian Resources & Content Aggregation. | 2. America Versus The World. | 3. Antiwar. | 4. Arguments Against Leftism. | 5. Zionism.